As a premium brand, Carhartt WIP is committed to conducting business in a fair and ethical manner. Consistent with this commitment, we have established this Code of Conduct as a minimum set of standards for both our internal operations as well as our business partners. This Code is based on internationally accepted labour standards, including the International Labour Organization’s Core Conventions and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
While this Code establishes minimum standards, we aspire to partner with companies that share our corporate values and are committed to continuously improving and environmental practices.
As used herein, the term supplier is defined broadly to cover the full range of Carhartt WIP's supply chain partners, including cut and sew suppliers that provide finished garments, direct and “nominated” suppliers of fabrics, trims and other raw materials, licensing partners, transportation and logistics providers and other supply chain partners.

Employment Relationship - Carhartt WIP suppliers and their authorized subcontractors will adopt and adhere to rules and conditions of employment that respect workers and, at a minimum, safeguard their rights under national and international labour and social security laws and regulations.
Compliance with Laws and Workplace Regulations - Carhartt WIP suppliers and their authorized subcontractors comply with laws and regulations in all locations where business is conducted, including those relating to employment, social security, health and safety, and the environment. It is also expected that suppliers and their authorized subcontractors will cooperate fully with Carhartt WIP in its compliance with local laws applicable in countries where Carhartt WIP does business.
Prohibition of Forced Labour - Carhartt WIP suppliers and their authorized subcontractors will not employ involuntary workers, prisoners or trafficked workers or labour that has been obtained by force, fraud, coercion, slavery or otherwise.
Prohibition of Child Labour - Carhartt WIP suppliers and their authorized subcontractors will not hire any employees under the age of 15, who are still at the age of compulsory schooling, or those who are under the minimum working age established by law.
Prohibition of Harassment or Abuse - Carhartt WIP suppliers and their authorized subcontractors strive to establish workplaces where every employee is treated with respect and dignity. No employee shall be subjected to any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment, abuse or corporal punishment.
Compensation and Benefits - Carhartt WIP suppliers and their authorized subcontractors will pay at least the minimum wage established by local law, including all statutory wages, allowances and benefits.
Hours of Work - Carhartt WIP suppliers and their authorized subcontractors comply with daily and weekly workings hours that do not exceed the legal restrictions in the countries in which they do business. Suppliers will provide at least one day (24 hours) off in every seven-day period, unless urgent requirements in the company must be met. Suppliers are requested to limit the total weekly working amount for all employees to 60 hours and to only allow overtime if it is worked voluntarily.
Prohibition of Discrimination - Carhartt WIP suppliers and their authorized subcontractors will employ, reward, promote, and dismiss workers based on their ability to do the job and not on the basis of personal characteristics or beliefs. No one shall be subject to any discrimination based on sex, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, social group or ethnic origin in the workplace. Nor will any personal characteristics affect recruitment, salary, promotion, reprimand, dismissal or resignation.
Health and Safety - Carhartt WIP vendors and their authorized subcontractors will provide a safe and healthy working environment to prevent accidents and injuries resulting from, associated with or occurring during work or as a result of the operation of the employer’s facilities. Carhartt WIP production is prohibited in multi-floor factories with more than one tenant. If employees are provided with accommodation, it is the supplier’s responsibility to ensure that the accommodation is safe and healthy.
Freedom of Association & Collective Bargaining - Carhartt WIP suppliers and their authorized subcontractors shall recognize and respect the rights of employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
Environmental - Carhartt WIP suppliers and their authorized subcontractors will comply with environmental rules, regulations and standards applicable to their operations, and will adopt responsible measures to mitigate negative impacts that the workplace has on the environment.
Customs Compliance - Carhartt WIP suppliers and their authorized subcontractors will comply with applicable customs law and, in particular, will establish and maintain programs to comply with customs laws regarding illegal transshipment of apparel.
Security - Carhartt WIP suppliers and their authorized subcontractors will maintain facility security procedures for the facilities to prevent non-listed cargo from entering outbound shipments (e.g. drugs, explosives, biohazards, and/or other contraband). Suppliers are further expected to cooperate with WIP in meeting Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) supply chain security & safety standards.
Bribery and Corruption - Carhartt WIP suppliers and their authorized subcontractors will not, in connection with any aspect of their business with Carhartt WIP, directly or indirectly offer bribes or any other improper form of payment or benefit to influence another individual, company, organization, government official or body, or political party or candidate, regardless of whether it is officially tolerated or condoned.
As noted in this Code of Conduct, Carhartt WIP aspires to partner with companies that share its corporate values and are committed to continuous improvement of social and environmental practices. It is our intent that the standards outlined in this Workplace Code of Conduct be applied throughout the global network of suppliers involved in the development, manufacture and transport of Carhartt WIP products. Suppliers with which Carhartt WIP has a direct contractual relationship are expected to extend these standards to all sub-tier suppliers and to initiate practices to assure that aligned standards are adopted throughout the global supply network supporting Carhartt WIP.